NTEK can not only provide a competitive one-stop global certification, but also complete the verification inspection and commissioned tests impartially, scientifically, accurately, and efficiently. We can also help customers train professional safety technical personnel to identify and solve the safety and energy saving problems of the entire life cycle of products from research and development to pilot test, to mass production and after sales. On the premise of ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, we are committed to working with customers to creatively provide the most competitive solutions, quickly design and produce safe and energy-saving quality products and services for enterprises, and sell your products smoothly. Escort the global market.
At NTEK Group, Beitest is committed to meeting and responding to the changing market trends and needs, and providing quality inspection services that fit your entire supply chain.
NTEK works closely with the world's top manufacturers and retailers to help them properly manage risk and comply with regulations.
NTEK participates in the formulation and development of global international standards, industrial standards and regulations, so that you and we are always the first to understand the changes in various accreditation conditions and certification methods.
Assist customers to eliminate potential safety hazards during product design, such as circuit clearance.
Assess the safety risks of structural design to reduce the frequency of revisions and modifications.
Assist customers to communicate with certification agencies, and guide customers to prepare various application documents.
Assist enterprises in training safety and energy efficiency personnel.
NTEK's in-house labs can be rented to the outside and are committed to providing quality solutions.
NTEK's in-house labs can be rented to the outside and are committed to providing quality solutions
Number of service items
Total number of performances completed
Total customer praise
Total customer praise