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Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

Current location : Home > Service Center> Complaint & Suggestion

Listen to customers and serve customers sincerely

“Listen to customers and serve customers sincerely”It is the consistent pursuit of North survey. In order to continuously improve the service quality, North test has set up a full-time department to take charge of customer service since 2000, accept all kinds of complaints and suggestions, supervise the service quality of each company, so as to achieve the service goal of creating value for customers and win-win cooperation with customers. If you are not satisfied with our products and services, or have good suggestions, please fill in the form below. Our customer service specialist will contact you to provide you with feedback and negotiate solutions。

Your name (nickname available)
Your phone number
Your email address
Types of complaints
Your feedback

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Professional engineers will contact you quickly to provide you with appropriate solutions and look forward to meeting you~

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