随着人类对能源需求越来越大,对产品能效的管控和监督也越来越透明。欧盟为了消费者能够查询购买产品的能效等级,建立了欧洲能源标签产品数据库EPREL (European Product Database for Energy Labelling)。对产品供应商来说,这意味着产品在进入欧盟之前,又有了新的要求—需要在EPREL系统中注册产品的能效信息。详细信息如下:
1. 在2019-01-01之后,产品进入欧盟市场之前,供应商(制造商,进口商或其授权代表)需要在EPREL系统做登记。
As of 1 January 2019, suppliers (manufacturers, importers or authorized representatives) need to register their appliances, which require an energy label in the European Product Database for Energy Labelling (EPREL), before selling them on the European market.
2. 在2017-08-01至2019-01-01期间进入欧盟市场的产品,需要在2019-07-01之前完成EPREL系统登记。
For products placed on the EU market between 1 August 2017 and 1 January 2019, their registration can be done until 1 July 2019.
3. 在2017-08-01之前进入欧盟的产品,可以选择自愿性登记。
For products placed on the EU market before 1 August 2017, their registration is made on a voluntary basis.
Consumers will be able to search the EPREL database for energy labels and product information sheets as of the second quarter 2019.